Thursday, April 15, 2010

Their eyes were watching God:chapter 8 quotes

"Why must Joe be so mad with her for making him look so small when he did it to her all the time?"

Joe is furious at this moment in the book. He looks dependent. He cant seem to do very much on his own. Now Janie is their controlling things and it makes him look very low. As if he's not able to make any decisions on his own. Like he need someone to talk for him. This is exactly how Janie felt their whole marriage. Karma is very bad. Now that Janie has control Joe is afriad of the things she mite say or do. He never says sorry about how he made her feel. Maybe he had'nt realize what he had done to her. Now she was going to have the power to do what she felt without him approving or disapproving it. They got into continiously arguments though.

"Come heah people! Jody is dead. Mah husband is gone from me."

This moment for the towns people was devastating. Even though Janie knew this time would come she was shocked at first. Then she was proud. She wasnt proud of the death. She was proud that she could finally let her body and soul free. She could let her emotions out. She was able to finally wear her hair down like she wanted. She felt like she was free from being tied down for a long time. She did show respect at his furneral by looking how he would approve. The towns people thought that she wasnt sad that he died. She didnt pay attention to what they said because they dont know how she felt at that moment.

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