Thursday, April 15, 2010

Their eyes were watching God: chapter 7 quotes

"Joe wasnt so young as he used to be. There was already something dead about him."

This quote is very powerful. It was something that joe was losing. Joe got older and his body was wearing down. Joe had kidney faliure. Joe couldnt do everything like he used to. It's amazing how she knew it was something wrong before actually finding out. I believe she waitied for a day like this to come. Where Joe would try to continue to control everything but didnt have the enegry to do it. Not saying that she was happy about his condition, but that he couldnt control everything she did anymore. she felt a since of realease. When she said that it was something dead about him his personality had changed. His physical appearance had changed and he moved very slow. I believe that she felt that maybe she could take advantage of him like he did her for 7 years.

"The years took all the fight out of Janie's face. For a while she thought it was gone from her soul."

This quote stands for alot of things. This quote says that Janie has aged. She feels like she will never get to express herself now. So she has to decide if she will give up completely or continue to fight. She thought the fight had left her soul because she put up with the humbleness for a very long time. She thought she would never be set free. Janie might have been under strict conditions in marriage. Not that she's out of it she's set free and feel very happy.

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