Monday, April 19, 2010

Their eyes were watching God:13

"All she found out was that she was too old a vessel for new wine."

This quote is saying that Janie is too old to date or marry young men. Some people say that young men shouldnt be with old women. The women are known for being taken advantage of. Janie had gotten beat and learned that she wasnt fit for young men. She was beat because her husband wanted to let her know who the boss was in the marriage. After he beat her, she learned that he was too young for her.

"All the rest of the week Tea Cake was busy practising up on his dice."

Other than farming, Tea Cake would make some extra money to take care of him and Janie. Tea Cake would roll dice and win money. He could flip them on the rug, bare floor, and the bed. He was really excitied to win. Also he wanted to give Janie anything she wanted. He was very talented with dice. He would farm all day then go play dice. I believe it became an habit for him.

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