Friday, April 23, 2010

Their eyes were watching God:19

"Tea Cake had been working several hours when the thought of Janie worrying about him made him desperate."

After Tea Cake had gotten bit by that dog ha wasn't doing very well. Janie would always worry about him. She would pay close attention to how he acted. He also would think crazy thoughts. Tea Cake was worried about Janie as well. He thought that she was cheating on him. He would always act suspicious when he got home. Even though Janie was worried, Tea Cake was worried as well.

"About the middle of the fourth week Tea Cake came home complaining about his head."

Tea Cake sickness was getting worse. His head was hurting very bad. He was going crazy on the inside. He would wake up hungry. He wouldnt even be able to eat the food that was prepared for him. Tea Cake was mentally and physically ill. Tea Cake would say things he didnt mean to say. He would vomet and not be able to control it. Tea Cake sickness had got the best of him.

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