Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Their eyes were watching God: 12

"Jody classed me off. Ah didnt. Naw, Pheoby, Tea Cake aint draggin me off nowhere ah dont want tuh go."
Jody told Janie where she could and couldnt go. He also told her what she could and couldnt do. Jody gave Janie her limits. He treated her how he wanted to. He tried to run her life and for a little while he did. With Tea Cake, Janie was able to be free. He let her do what she wanted. Tea Cake didnt make her do things. He asked her first. He never made her do things she didnt want to do. Tea Cake never made Janie go outside of her character.

"All these old men dat settin around me is after the same thing."

I believe this quote says alot. Janie married a young man. She married Tea Cake. Some people believe that tea cake was after Janie's money. Janie believes that no matter the age of the man, he could still be after your money. Janie believes that their is nothing wrong with being with someone younger than you. They were talking about Janie's and Tea Cake's marriage when this comment was made. Janie replied that Tea Cake never asked her for any money.

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