Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Their eyes were watching god:chapter 3 quotes

"Their are years that ask questions and years that answer. Janie had no chance to know things so she had to ask."

I believe that this quote means that Janie could have gotten more things accomplished over the years than she did. The years are saying where did the time go to get those thins done. Also is it to late to start on those things she did get a chance to do. I believe that if the time came back to her she would have accomplished more than she did.
Also the years are asking what will she do in the following years. Time never stops for anyone. She will get a chance to do some of the things she missed out on. She had some things to show for. she had done something over the years. She had to ask to see if she had anything to show for.

"Ah want things sweet with mah marriage lak when you sit under a pear tree and think. Ah..."

The pear tree is where she went to solve problems and the things she was going through. Also the pear tree is where she goes for peace and to be by herself. Janie would sit under a pear tree and think. she would think about the things she have done. She would think about the things she had to do. she would also think about the good and bad decisions she made. Sometimes she would even cry. Janie saw her marriage a certian way. She seen actual love and commitment in a marriage. She would sit under the pear tree and see her life flash in front of her. Janie actual want the things she sees under the pear tree. She wants these things bad enough to cry over it.

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