Friday, April 23, 2010

Their eyes were watching God: 18

"Going to high ground. Saw grass bloom."

There was an hurricane coming. Some of the towns people believed it and others didnt. Also some people prepared for the worst and some didnt do anything. People started to leave and Tea Cake and Janie was going to wait the storm out. Some people stayed for work. Their boss told them that if they left they wouldnt have work when they came back. Thats one of the main reasons why Tea Cake stayed. Alot of people went east and followed the indians.

" Several men collected at Tea Cake's house and sat around stuffing courage into each other ears."

Everyone went over to Tea Cake's house. Thats where men made final decisions to wheather their going to leave or stay in town. Some men decided to leave. Others like Tea Cake decided to stay because of work. They needed money. Also they thought that the storm would pass by and not cause any damage.

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