Friday, April 23, 2010

Their eyes were watching God:20

"The Muck meant Tea Cake and Tea Cake wasnt their."

Tea Cake had married Janie and they moved to the muck. They started their new lives together thier. Tea Cake died and Janie wanted to leave the muck because Tea Cake want their anymore. Janie wanted to go back to eatonville. Janie had giving away everything their accept a garden that Tea Cake had started. Janie kept that in remeberance of Tea Cake she loved him very much. She felt like it was her time to leave the muck.

"The day of the gun, and the bloody body and the court house came and commenced to sing a sobbing sigh out of every corner."

Janie was home thinking about the life she had with Tea Cake. She was thinking about their last moments together. She was thinking about the fact that the gun she had killed him. Even though he had an infectionus diease she still pulled the trigger. Janie was thinking about how she was holding Tea Cake and the blood rushing out of his body. Janie was sad about the way everything turned out.

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