Thursday, April 15, 2010

Their eyes were watching God:chapter 11 quotes

"At the newel post Janie whirled around and for the space of a thought she was lit up like a transfiguration."

Janie was in a comfrontable position where she wasnt afraid to smile. She was finally having fun again. She had began to trust who Tea Cake really was. She was very happy that nothing could mess that up. She was able to finally be free. Free of worries and fears for that moment. When she was there she was having a really good time. That time Janie was shinning and no one was going to burn that light out.

"The next thought buried her under tons of cold futility."

Janie went from having fun to doubting herself. Also doubting the good cituation she's in. Futility means lack of importance or purpose. Janie's night began to flush down the drain. She went back to the state of mind that she wasnt able to have fun. She started to feel as if Tea Cake was around her for the wrong reasons. She was thinking was it her wealth or was it her age that attached them to eachother. She didnt want to believe Tea Cake because he was so nice. She thought he was trying to get close for the wrong reasons.

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