Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 16-20,2009 Why does Racism exist?

Racism isn't just color. Racism is color, religion or even how someone dresses. Racism is all over the world it originated from the Romans. Racism exist because racism is apart of discrimination. Racism comes from fear. I think that white people feared black people because they skin was darker. So in my opinion they felt that anybody that didn't look like them don't belong. What they mean by don't belong is that they should have no power with anything. Rather its education, jobs or just in the streets. Racism isn't just between blacks, whites and slavery. Racism is between any culture, religion or people. In the United States Racism is focused on Blacks and whites. In the United States Blacks are at the bottom for everything. The number one thing that whites tried to keep away from black is Education. they did that because they know that Education is power and not just to the mind. It was power to jobs, culture, race and the world. A white person hates when they see an black person with power and right now a black person has the most person in this country and that is President Barack Obama. Racism exists because of fear and white people fear that black people will have power and right now A Black Man has the most power in the United States and dont for get it!.

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