Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2/24/09 Homework

How would you know have felt as a teenager back then if you had read about Emmit Til's murder in the newspaper?

I would have been hurt and mad. Words could'nt even explain how I would've felt. It hurt's to know that an Black boy your age was killed numeruos times. Its funny to say that but they beat Emmit Til numerous times as if he already was'nt dead. I believe that everything that happend was'nt called for. Those men should have went to jail just because they beat him and tourtured him numerous times. All because your skin color changes everything. It changes the way people look at you in life. I would have cried through the whole newspaper article. It was very said to see the way his body look after they tortured Emmit Til. I'm happy an Black person finally had something in the newspaper even if it was bad. The only good thing that newspaper article had in my opinion is that it set off the civil war. Also it woke up the young minds of black people then and even today. After seeing the video today it made me realize alot about myself and my life.

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