Sunday, February 22, 2009

2/16-20/09 What should Hiram have done differently?

The things Hiram could have done differently is not talk to Emmit Til at all and just let him be. I understand why he accepted him as a friend. It caused alot of drama in the book. Hiram could have not went fishing with R.C or while he was there didn't talk to Emmit and his cousins because it didn't do anything but stir up trouble. He could have gave Emmit and his cousins the lunch but he should have burg it to him. He should've had Emmit follow him. He should've told Emmit that he had someone else with him that didn't like his kind. Hiram could have just listened to his father and stayed in Arizona. If he would have stayed he wouldn't have to be in the mess he was in. He wouldn't have to face racism as much in Arizona. He wouldn't have to worry about nothing happening to Emmit at all because he wouldn't know him. That would just be one thing not on his mind. He wouldn't have to be scared to testify because he wouldn't be in the situation. He is not in Arizona so he is in all the things he didn't have o be in if he would have just listened to his father. I believe that he remembered what his mother told him. She told him to remember who he was and tell the truth.

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