Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10/27/10 Blog entry

What inspires courage?

I believe courage is willing to do something even when everyone else is afraid to. I believe that because to have courage you are willing to stand up for people. Also i believe courage is when you believe in someone even when they dont believe in themselves. I believe there are many things that inspire courage. I believe positive role models inspire courage in many different ways. I believe that poems, stories and speeches inspire courage. I believe having the determination to want to do anything in a positive way inspires courage.
I believe there are many ways to inspire courage. There are many postive role models in the world. I believe that positive role models have different effects on people. I believe they encourage you to believe in yourself even when you want to give up. I believe people who inspire others to do better give them courage. I believe if you are willing to face your fears you are becoming courageous. I believe once you become courageous you can help others become courageous as well.
I believe speches, poems, stories have an huge effect on people lives. I believe people can relate to that speech or story that talks about courage. I believe that people can gain confidence to be courageous through works of art, and poems being one of them. I believe that being determined to do something inspires courage. I believe if you know someone you can relate to, you begin to feel as if you can gain confidence as well.
I believe that good friends inspire courage. I believe that you and your friend have more in common. I believe that one can help the other if he/she falls down. I believe that your friends are the best people to help you gain confidence or courage to accomplish something. Your friends can help you more that you think. Its just the matter of having the courage to trust them.

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