Sunday, May 17, 2009


What influence do class, religion, lanuage, and culture have on my relationship and my decision?

All of these components all are very important to me and African-American culture. I must say my decisions as an African American female must be very important. I believe i have to choose wisely. It is hard on the African American culture. It is very important to that i dont add to the problem. Not even saying that my skin color is the begining problem. I dont recieve the same oppurnity as other cultures or religion. The African American class level is low which means basically poor. In my opinion thats just my culture. My household by its self it in the middle class which means we are able to live and be alright. I havent had any battles with my religion yet but as I continue through life I believe I will. I pray not. My relationship is very picky. the reason why i say picky is because I have to pay attention to who im talking to and why Im talking to them. To me my decision depends on my relationship then I will make a choice.

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