Sunday, April 26, 2009

4/26/09 Journal Entry

I think the poem "Sympathy" means that the man was confused or he couldnt make up his mind about something. The man could be saying how a cage bird could be filling in comparison to himself in the certian cituation. In my opinion the man is coming up with excuses for this cage bird. While coming up with excuses he gets confused somewhere in the mix. I also feel like the man is comparing the cage bird to himself. All of the things the man went through the cage bird went through. Maybe the man is using the cage bird in place of himself. As if the man was the cage bird saying and asking for all of these things. Maybe he's talking about a problem he's having while the cage bird is doing just fine with its surroundings. He's talking about how life gets hard and everything is not easliy given to you. How you have to go out and get it . Also how it can be taken away by flash of lighting. Maybe he's searching for something very important and its very diffult for him to find it.

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