Friday, November 21, 2008

journal topic 2

What are your reflections on chapters 1-5?

In chapters 1-5 alot happend. People were
mistreated. The story so far is very deep. Hassan talked about
his past childhood. The games him and his friends would play. the
things that happend on certian dates and times. the reason why he wrote poetry and did other things. the story so far is awsome.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How does Amir feel about his father in these chapters?

Amir feels like his father has no time for him. He's always doing something. they didnt have real good relationship. Baba wants Amir to play soccor and Amir doesnt like soccor. Amir like to write poetry and read books. To me they really dont have a bond together.